Soft Computing - Emerging approach of Computing

What is Soft computing ?

soft computing is approach of computing which is used to find  solution of which is between exact.

it makes  computers  thinks ( tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation) like humans brain  for finding solutions  for complex problems in field of medical science , automation, artificial intelligence with the help of  fuzzy logic, Neural networks, Evolutionary computation (EC), and Probabilistic Reasoning (PR).
Example - Age Group : in age group you can't say that year 19 is exactly Young, age group from 18-35 refer as young . in the same way in soft computing is work for range not exact value.  

What do u mean by soft computing?  

In soft computing we basically find approximate solution  which is lies between 0 and 1 means  in hard computing we find  exact solution of problems or not i.e in array, sorting , polynomial expression and searching either you got results (1) or you not got anything (0) (if in amazon you search smartphone Redmi 6 Pro+ you are got results if it is available or not ) but in many situation of life we also need values between 0 and 1, so that  machine can think like human mind for finding better  solution for more complex problems in range of domains.
i.e we know that in medical science AIDS is not exactly curable  but it is partially curable with certain treatments hence we can implement soft computing in this field to find different treatments at what level (stage) it is curable and how to implement to make different model more effective or better.   

What are the applications of soft computing?

Important  application  Soft computing is to develop focuses on planning intelligence in Machine to solve complex real life problems  by biologically inspired techniques.

What is fuzzy logic in Soft Computing?

fuzzy means unclear their is uncertainty in this logic system as our minds thinks, you can't  say exactly something it is based on "Degree of truth"  rather than Boolean logic based on "true or false"(1,0). it helps machine to reasoning and analyzing stuffs like humans.

 What is Artificial Neural Networks?

Artificial neural networks is machine computing patterns which is of mimic (just like) human brain neural networks. neural networks train on huge database hence it is able to find new pattern by itself like mind give better results of real life problems.Artificial neural networks trained on many model for improve its accuracy one of popular procedural  is "plenty and reward"  for bad results machine got plenty and for better it got rewards.

What is Evolutionary computing?

Evolutionary computing is set of algorithms for global optimization of data inspired by biological evolution like selection of fittest, mutation, reproduction and recombination.

What is Probabilistic Reasoning ?

Probabilistic Reasoning is a logic of computing in soft computing based on probability theorems which is used to manage  uncertainty in problem set and give more expressive outcomes.

Watch video for more understanding of Soft Computing

In English


If you want to explore and learn Soft Computing?

GAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Organizing  a five day workshop on Soft Computing . if you interest in that area and want explorers it deep  attend workshop  from below link.

five day soft computing workshop

Soft Computing Workshop registration click here
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Er R S Banger said…
Amazing complete guide for soft computing
. Thanks for sharing this knowledgeable content.


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