Courses for Computer science stream
Courses for Computer science stream
Here list of online Nptel courses with staring date on which COMPUTER SCIENCE Students take part in January, 2109 to upgrade his skills.
Some of the important courses for academics are:-
- Programming in C++
- Programming in Java
- Compiler design
- problem solving through Programming in C
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Discrete Mathematics
Some of the important courses for Professionals
- joy of computing using Python
- Blockchain Architecture Design
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Introduction to Internet of Things
- AI
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Deep Learning (DL)
- Data Analytics Using Ruby (R)
- Cloud Computing
Scroll down to see full courses details with starting date
click here to Enroll
Last date Enrollment in Set-1 courses :- 4th February 2019
How to Enroll in Nptel courses click here.
For important Courses enrolling and Exam dates Click here
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